Membership Renewal
Membership Renewal: Membership renewal notices are sent out by email in early November (renewals are not permitted before November 1). A signed renewal form is required along with the dues payment to renew membership.
If you do not receive a renewal notice by late November, contact the Club Secretary. Timely renewal is the responsibility of the member, NOT the Club.
As a convenience to our club members, your membership renewal dues may now be paid online. Please use the direct to bank link below to make your payment:
If paying online, please email your completed renewal form to:
or mail to secretary,
Savannah River Rifle & Pistol ClubP.O. Box 5337 Aiken, SC 29804
If you fail to renew before January 1, your privileges will be suspended.
If you do not renew by February 1, your membership will be terminated, and you will have to follow the procedures described above to apply as a new member (you will not be entitled to any dues pro-rating).